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Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
We set up a test fixture to mimic the loads which would be applied to the component in real-life scenarios. We attached a 7-inch arm to the FDM component we were testing, then added weight until the component failed. We tested four different sets of components, and the results were consistent for each set.
The first set of parts was built with default parameters in a flat orientation. The second set of parts was built with default parameters in an alternative orientation to better handle the forces acting on the component. The third set of parts was built in the improved orientation, with the build parameters optimized using Insight software. And the fourth set of parts was built in the same manner as the third, but in an alternative, stronger material — ULTEM 9085.
The results: simply changing the orientation yielded a 48% increase in strength. Using Insight software to optimize the toolpaths yielded a strength increase of another 47% (a 117%increase in strength from the original part). And changing from ABS to ULTEM 9085 material yielded an additional strength increase of 124% (a 387% strength increase over the original part!).
The bottom line is, when you need strength from your 3D prototypes and digitally manufactured parts, FDM technology can get you there. In addition to the already robust thermoplastic materials, optimizing the part orientation and using Insight software to adjust the toolpaths can provide even stronger results. This becomes increasingly important as more people embrace rapid manufacturing and start using FDM as an alternative to plastic injection molding and other traditional processes.
If you haven't seen the video of Magic Arms in action, check it out.
You can also read the full case study here.
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